WebFile for Attorneys

WebFile allows attorneys to note representation of parties and review the documents filed in all cases where their representation is noted. Attorneys can also file pleadings, correspondence and other documents in real-time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Additionally, WebFile allows attorneys to view upcoming hearings and mediations as well as receive email notifications when filings are made in their represented cases.

Attorneys must request WebFile access through their firm's WebFile Site Administrator. To register a firm's WebFile Site Administrator with the Commission, complete and submit an Attorney Registration Form.


WebFile Support

WebFile Support pertains specifically to WebFile accounts, WebFile transactions, and errors encountered within WebFile. Please use the tool below for information regarding common WebFile issues and directions to appropriate Commission and WebFile resources.

Please select the option below that pertains to your claim involvement.
I am a Claimant and...
I am an Attorney and...
I am a Claim Administrator and...
I am a GSIA and...
I am a PEO and...
I am a Self-Insurer and...

Claimant - Claim Information Request

Please call the Commission's Customer Contact Center toll free at 1-877-664-2566 from 8:30 a.m. - 4:45 p.m., Monday - Friday, for assistance with claim information.

Claimant - Registration

For complete information about creating and managing a WebFile account, please review the WebFile Guide for Claimants.

To register for a Claimant WebFile account, go to the WebFile home page and click the “Create Claimant Account” link to request a WebFile account. You will need your Jurisdiction Claim Number (JCN), Date of Injury, and PIN to associate your claim to your account. This information is mailed to you when the Commission receives notice of your injury. If you need assistance with this information, please call the Commission's Customer Contact Center toll free at 1-877-664-2566 from 8:30 a.m. - 4:45 p.m., Monday - Friday, for assistance.

Claimant - Password Reset

Click here to visit the WebFile login page. Then click the "Login" button and then click the "Forgot Password" link.

If you are copying and pasting a temporary password emailed to you by the Commission, make sure there are no spaces at the beginning or end of the password.

If you are unable to reset your password by using the link above, please complete and submit a WebFile Support Request. You will need your Jurisdiction Claim Number (JCN) and Date of Injury to complete the form. This information is mailed to you when the Commission receives notice of your injury. If you need assistance with this information, please call the Commission's Customer Contact Center toll free at 1-877-664-2566 from 8:30 a.m. - 4:45 p.m., Monday - Friday, for assistance.

Claimant - Associate my Claim to my Account

The following information is required to associate a claim to a WebFile account:

  1. PIN - 5-digit Personal Identification Number
  2. Jurisdiction Claim Number - the Commission's claim number (NOT the Claim Administrator number)
  3. Last Name - Claimant's last name
  4. Injury Date - Date of injury reported to the Commission

All of this information is mailed to the Injured Worker as soon as the Commission is notified of their injury. The PIN is mailed separately from the Jurisdiction Claim Number.

Please note that all information must be entered EXACTLY as shown on the letters mailed from the Commission, even if the information appears to be incorrect. For example, the Claimant's last name may be misspelled or the date of injury may be off by a day. The information must still be entered exactly as it appears so it will match the Commission's system. The incorrect information may be corrected later by notifying the Commission.

For assistance with determining any of the information required to associate a claim, please call the Commission's Customer Contact Center toll free at 1-877-664-2566 from 8:30 a.m. - 4:45 p.m., Monday - Friday, for assistance with claim information.

Claimant - Form Submission Fails

This issue often occurs when there is data in the form that does not comply with the requirements of the form fields. It can be caused by the data that pre-populates the fields when the form is opened. The easiest way to check for this is to tab or click through every field on the form and look for an error or warning message for the field that needs attention.

Please enter the data into the form again and then click or tab into every field of the form, starting with the very first field. If this process does not highlight the field(s) causing the error(s), please submit a WebFile Support Request Form detailing the issue.

Claimant - Session Expired Error

If you are repeatedly getting the "Session Expired/Invalidated" error message your device's clock is likely out of sync with the WebFile server.

Please compare the clock on the PC/device you are using to access WebFile to another device with a reliable time, such as a mobile phone.- You can search the internet for instructions to adjust the clock, if necessary.

If the clock is showing the correct time and you still cannot log in, please email WebFile Support with the following information:

  1. The username of your WebFile account
  2. The time displayed on your device when the last error occurred
  3. The time displayed on your mobile phone when the last error occurred

Attorney - Registration Request

Please review the WebFile Guide for Attorneys for complete information about creating and managing WebFile accounts.

To register for an Attorney WebFile account, please complete and submit an Attorney Registration Form to request WebFile access for your firm.

Attorney - Activate Account

Attorney WebFile accounts must be activated by the firm's WebFile Site Administrator using the instructions in the WebFile Guide for Attorney Site Administrators. Attorneys will not be able to view or manage their cases or note representation on new cases until their account is activated.

Attorney - Password Reset

Click here to visit the WebFile login page. Then click the "Login" button and then click the "Forgot Password" link.

If you are copying and pasting a temporary password emailed to you by the Commission, make sure there are no spaces at the beginning or end of the password.

If you are unable to reset your password by using the link above, please contact your firm’s WebFile Site Administrator who can unlock your account by resetting your password. Your firm’s WebFile Site Administrator may use the WebFile Guide for Attorney Site Administrators for directions regarding resetting passwords.

If you are the WebFile Site Administrator for your firm and cannot unlock your account by using the link above, please complete and submit a WebFile Support Request.

Attorney - Add New User

Your firm’s WebFile Site Administrator needs to complete and submit an Attorney Registration Form to request additional WebFile access.

Attorney - No Cases Visible

This usually occurs when the attorney WebFile account has not been activated by the firm's WebFile Site Administrator. Your firm’s WebFile Site Administrator may use the WebFile Guide for Attorney Site Administrators for directions regarding activating attorney WebFile accounts.

Attorney - Missing Cases

Please complete a WebFile Support Request. Be sure to include the attorney's full name, WebFile username, the email address they use for WebFile, and the JCNs of all missing cases.

Attorney - Switching Firms

You must call the Clerk's Office at 804-804-205-3569 to receive assistance with moving your cases to your new firm.

Attorney - Misfiling

Please complete a WebFile Support Request. Be sure to include the attorney's full name, WebFile username, the email address they use for WebFile, the JCN that contains the wrong filing, the type of filing that was made, and the date the filing was made.

Attorney - Session Expired Error

If you are repeatedly getting the "Session Expired/Invalidated" error message your device's clock is likely out of sync with the WebFile server.

Please compare the clock on the PC/device you are using to access WebFile to another device with a reliable time, such as a mobile phone. If the clock is off, please adjust it manually or work with your IT team to make the necessary adjustments and try to access WebFile again.

If the clock is showing the correct time and you still cannot log in, please email WebFile Support with the following information:

  1. The username of your WebFile account
  2. The time displayed on your device when the last error occurred
  3. The time displayed on your mobile phone when the last error occurred

Attorney - Other WebFile Issue

Attorney WebFile users must contact their firm's WebFile Site Administrator for assistance.

If you are the WebFile Site Administrator for your firm, please click here to request WebFile Support from the Commission.

Claim Administrator - Organization Registration

Please review the WebFile Guide for Claim Administrators for complete information about creating and managing
WebFile accounts.

Your organization must first be set up to submit claims information to the Commission through EDI. Information about EDI can be found on the EDI Quality Assurance Department page of our website. If you need assistance establishing this trading partner relationship with the Commission, please contact edi.support@workcomp.virginia.gov or call the Commission at 1-877-664-2566 to request EDI Support. When your organization begins to submit claims to the Commission through EDI, you may establish a WebFile account to manage those claims by emailing the name of your organization, the name of the designated WebFile Site Administrator, and all FEINs used by the organization to file claims to WebFile.Support@workcomp.virginia.gov.

Claim Administrator - Adjuster Registration

You must contact your organization’s WebFile Site Administrator to request an account.

Claim Administrator - Reset Password

Click here to visit the WebFile login page. Then click the "Login" button and then click the "Forgot Password" link.

If you are copying and pasting a temporary password emailed to you by the Commission, make sure there are no spaces at the beginning or end of the password.

If you are unable to reset your password by using the link above, you must contact your organization’s WebFile Site Administrator who can unlock your account by resetting your password.

Claim Administrator - Missing Claims

To view a claim in WebFile the claim must be assigned to you within WebFile by a WebFile user within your organization who has the WebFile Manager role OR the claim must be unassigned in WebFile and you must have the WebFile Manager role.

Please contact your organization’s WebFile Site Administrator to verify the status of this claim (assigned or unassigned) and status of your role (Manager or not). If the claim is assigned to you or the claim is unassigned and you have the Manager role and you still cannot view the claim in WebFile, please complete a WebFile Support Request. Be sure to include the JCNs that you are unable to view in WebFile.

It is good practice for the WebFile Site Administrator to assign themselves the Manager role and add all of the organization's WebFile users to their Assigned Employees. This practice gives the Site Administrator the ability to see all of the organization’s claims and who they are assigned to, if assigned.

Claim Administrator - Session Expired Error

If you are repeatedly getting the "Session Expired/Invalidated" error message your device's clock is likely out of sync with the WebFile server.

Please compare the clock on the PC/device you are using to access WebFile to another device with a reliable time, such as a mobile phone. If the clock is off, please adjust it manually or work with your IT team to make the necessary adjustments and try to access WebFile again.

If the clock is showing the correct time and you still cannot log in, please email WebFile Support with the following information:

  1. The username of your WebFile account
  2. The time displayed on your device when the last error occurred
  3. The time displayed on your mobile phone when the last error occurred

Claim Administrator - Other WebFile Issue

Claim Administrator WebFile users must contact their organization's WebFile Site Administrator for assistance.

If you are the WebFile Site Administrator for your organization, please click here to request WebFile Support from the Commission.

GSIA - Registration Request

Please review the WebFile Guide for GSIAs for complete information about creating and managing WebFile accounts.

GSIAs must request WebFile access via e-mail to vwcinsurance@workcomp.virginia.gov. A GSIA may request WebFile access for up to two users. Please note when requesting user access that all users that obtain access will receive all notices generated by the Commission for that GSIA.

GSIA - Password Reset

Click here to visit the WebFile login page. Then click the "Login" button and then click the "Forgot Password" link.

If you are copying and pasting a temporary password emailed to you by the Commission, make sure there are no spaces at the beginning or end of the password.

If you are unable to reset your password by using the link above, please email vwcinsurance@workcomp.virginia.gov to request a password reset. Be sure to include your full name, WebFile username, and email address you use for WebFile in you email.

GSIA - Session Expired Error

If you are repeatedly getting the "Session Expired/Invalidated" error message your device's clock is likely out of sync with the WebFile server.

Please compare the clock on the PC/device you are using to access WebFile to another device with a reliable time, such as a mobile phone. If the clock is off, please adjust it manually or work with your IT team to make the necessary adjustments and try to access WebFile again.

If the clock is showing the correct time and you still cannot log in, please email WebFile Support with the following information:

  1. The username of your WebFile account
  2. The time displayed on your device when the last error occurred
  3. The time displayed on your mobile phone when the last error occurred

GSIA - Other WebFile Issue

You may call the Commission at 1-877-664-2566 or email the details to vwcinsurance@workcomp.virginia.gov. Be sure to include your full name, WebFile username, and the email address you use for WebFile in the email.

PEO - Registration Request

Please review the WebFile Guide for PEOs for complete information about creating and managing WebFile accounts.

PEOs may request WebFile access by completing the PEO WebFile Access Request Form and submitting it to vapeo@workcomp.virginia.gov

PEO - Password Reset

Click here to visit the WebFile login page. Then click the "Login" button and then click the "Forgot Password" link.

If you are copying and pasting a temporary password emailed to you by the Commission, make sure there are no spaces at the beginning or end of the password.

If you are unable to reset your password by using the link above, please email VAPEO@workcomp.virginia.gov to request a password reset. Be sure to include your full name, WebFile username, and email address you use for WebFile in the email.

PEO - Session Expired Error

If you are repeatedly getting the "Session Expired/Invalidated" error message your device's clock is likely out of sync with the WebFile server.

Please compare the clock on the PC/device you are using to access WebFile to another device with a reliable time, such as a mobile phone. If the clock is off, please adjust it manually or work with your IT team to make the necessary adjustments and try to access WebFile again.

If the clock is showing the correct time and you still cannot log in, please email WebFile Support with the following information:

  1. The username of your WebFile account
  2. The time displayed on your device when the last error occurred
  3. The time displayed on your mobile phone when the last error occurred

PEO - Other WebFile Issue

You may call the Commission at 1-877-664-2566 or email the details to vapeo@workcomp.virginia.gov. Be sure to include your full name, WebFile username, and the email address you use for WebFile in the email.

Self-Insurer - Password Reset

Click here to visit the WebFile login page. Then click the "Login" button and then click the "Forgot Password" link.

If you are copying and pasting a temporary password emailed to you by the Commission, make sure there are no spaces at the beginning or end of the password.

If you are unable to reset your password by using the link above, please email SelfInsurance@workcomp.virginia.gov to request a password reset. Be sure to include your full name, WebFile username, and email address you use for WebFile in the email.

Self-Insurer- Registration Request

To request Self-Insurer WebFile access, please send an email to SelfInsurance@workcomp.virginia.gov with the following information:

  • Company-issued email address
  • Your first and last name
  • Your phone number
  • Self-Insurer Number (example S1234)

Self-Insurer - Missing Data

You must have the WebFile role of "Self-Insurer" to view official reported data. If you have this role and still cannot view data or notice missing data, please email SelfInsurance@workcomp.virginia.gov.

Self Insurer - Session Expired Error

If you are repeatedly getting the "Session Expired/Invalidated" error message your device's clock is likely out of sync with the WebFile server.

Please compare the clock on the PC/device you are using to access WebFile to another device with a reliable time, such as a mobile phone. If the clock is off, please adjust it manually or work with your IT team to make the necessary adjustments and try to access WebFile again.

If the clock is showing the correct time and you still cannot log in, please email WebFile Support with the following information:

  1. The username of your WebFile account
  2. The time displayed on your device when the last error occurred
  3. The time displayed on your mobile phone when the last error occurred

Self-Insurer - Other WebFile Issue

Self-Insurer WebFile users must contact SelfInsurance@workcomp.virginia.gov. Be sure to include your full name, WebFile username, and the email address you use for WebFile in the email.