Workers' Compensation Scam Warning
Press Release Date
[Richmond, VA]- The Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission has been made aware of a telephone scam operating within the state of Kentucky that targets injured workers. Since Kentucky and Virginia share a state line, it is recommended that those involved in the workers’ compensation process, particularly those in southwest Virginia, remain vigilant.
According to reports the caller, claiming to represent the “Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board,” advises individuals that they have been granted workers’ compensation benefits which will be available once a certain “tax” or “fee” has been collected. In the state of Virginia, workers’ compensation beneficiaries are not contacted in this manner. There are no taxes or fees which must be paid in order to receive workers’ compensation wage benefits.
Chairman Wesley G. Marshall advises Virginians to be on alert for potentially fraudulent calls. “Never provide payment or sensitive data on a call that you did not initiate,” Chairman Marshall said. “I encourage Virginians to stay cautious as we all play an important role in safeguarding our own personal information.”
Individuals receiving such calls may contact the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission at 877-644-2566 and