Claims Services Department (CSD)

The Claims Services Department performs a variety of functions for the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission. The Claims Services Department reviews and responds to incoming correspondence, claimant’s claims for benefits and requests for hearing, employer’s applications for hearing, medical provider’s applications and attorney’s applications for hearing for attorney’s fees from medical providers. The Claim Services Department schedules appointments for in-person viewing for assessment of disfigurement ratings. The Claims Services Department is primarily responsible for:

  • Processing original and change in condition claims
  • Referral of claims to judicial hearing dockets
  • Facilitation of issues in lieu of litigation
  • Entry of Award Agreement and Termination forms
  • Administration of the Uninsured Employer's Fund
  • Providing assistance with a wide variety of benefit calculations such as:
    • wage chart/average weekly wage
    • compensation rate
    • interest
    • lump sum
    • COLA
    • 500 weeks
    • third party credit
    • temporary partial
    • penalty
    • permanent partial disability


The Uninsured Employer's Fund (UEF) is the funding mechanism for compensation and medical payments to injured employees or his/her dependent(s) whose employer was not properly insured at the time of the accident. If an employee is hurt when there is no workers' compensation policy in effect and that employee or his/her dependent(s) chooses to file a workers' compensation claim, the employer may be liable for the actual cost of medical care and compensation payments in addition to penalties.

The Claims Services Department is not only the beginning point for these claim issues, but also for the many transactions that must occur on the claim’s path to resolution. The Claims Services Department staff is available to assist injured workers, employers, carriers, claim administrators, attorneys, medical providers and other interested parties with various workers’ compensation issues.

The Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission cannot provide legal advice or advisory opinion.

If you believe you are the victim of a crime that occurred in the course of your employment, you may wish to contact the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund for further information.